
by Audioteka S.A.

Books & Reference


Audioteka - Stories well told

Audioteka is a free app, where you can buy audiobook (audiobook in mp3 format, audio book, book to listen to) directly from the app. We offer you a possibility to buy, download and listen to bestsellers wherever you are. Thanks to “Your Shelf” option you can have your purchased audiobooks always with you. In the app you can find many audiobooks e.g. classics, modern, for children, poetry and many more. Download our app on all your devices and discover audiobooks by trying out Free Chapter (gratis part of the book). Listen to books:- during travelling (by car, by plane, by bus)- at the gym (jogging, fitness, bike)- while relaxingOur app allows you to have easy access to your shelf with audiobooks, downloading them at any time, comfortable listening to and buying your favourite bestsellers and searching a catalogue with free chapters. Visit our website:

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Playback is pausing all the time for no obvious reason and the app can't be controlled from the heaphones. This combo makes the experience terrible because you have to unlock your phone every couple of minutes to manually unpause the app

Josef Pajskr

Aplikacja co chwila się pauzuj. Musiałem zmienić opinie z 5 na 1 gwiazdkę. A nowa wersja niestety jest beznadziejna.

Greg Pelka

A teraz ta aplikacja juz nie działa po co tu oba wciaz jest Nowszej nie zaindtaluje bo mam samsunga starego Wszystko było by ok tyle ze od kąd założyłem konto kilka lat temu, nie ma opcji filtrowania polki i wszystkie audiobooki są pomieszanie. Tzn zakupione z tymi darmowymi fragmentami, jest tego ok 500 w tym 10% zakupione. Nawet jak bym chciał sprawdzić którą kolwiek pozycję to próbując ją kupić LIPA !!!

paweł kopeć

Galetu but ir nemokamu versiju, ner galimybes sustabdyti ar paleisti nuo tam tikro laiko.

Jurijus Gvozdevas

The app is very quiet, if I try to listen to a book in a busy metro, I hear nothing. Is there a way to increase the volume through the app or something?

Rugilė Antanavičiutė

Mizerný přehrávač, který se každých pár vteřin vypne a je třeba pustit pokračování tlačítkem play. I přesto, že mám celou knihu staženou přímo v mobilu a všechny úsporné režimy jsou vypnuty...

Kamil Varga

Jokiu knygu

Rita Šadovikaitė

I have been using this app for more than 5 years and I am so happy with quality of it and books selection .

dariusz kusnierek

No books at all


I have been using this app for last 8 years, I listened over 300 books and it's perfect!!!

Slawomir Raducha